GitHub 吉祥物章鱼猫(Octocat)的来历是什么? - 知乎:2021-11-23 · 虽然有各种美妙的版本来诠释 GitHub 吉祥物章鱼猫的涵义,但根据创始人 PJ Hyett 的说法,章鱼猫出自另一个创始人 Tom Preston-Werner 从一个图片网站花 50 美元买来的图片(当然,他伔现在完全拥有这个形象),目的只是为 404 页面找一张有趣的图片。

To travel with purposeful manner toward an, “as of yet,” unknown destination.

Coddiwomple Queen Dancing on Home page

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To travel with purposeful manner toward an, “as of yet,” unknown destination.


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Through experience as fellow humans, we know the world can feel like a crazy place, scary, beautiful, boring, daunting and a place where what we thought was up, is now down often brought on by…unexpected change.


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While there's necessary and important places for advice, coaching, and logistics, where do we go, in between, when we just need a chance to be CURIOUS? A chance for uncontrollable laughter at the pure surreal-ness of existing on this crazy planet we call home. Like a warm cup of tea, much needed joke or butterfly on the shoulder, latern专业破解版安卓最新版 products simply, prompt CURIOSITY... creating meaningful connections with ourselves, others and life, through our interactive journals and Coddi Cues, Pause Parties and play kits. Because at Coddiwomple Queen, we believe, all of us, no matter age, are queens brave enough to discover the wisdom within our own hearts. Sometimes, we just need a boost along the way!

Meet the Creator

A sudden case of tunnel vision, need to hide under the covers, or bout of uncontrollable hiccups may appear as we fret over our next move.


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She's passionate about the intersection within real life, humor, and awareness to provide space to be curious again — especially in times of change so even if we don’t know where we’re going next, we can do it with intention.

Learn more

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In these moments, it’s not more advice that helps; it’s more wonder. A bit of magic really to keep ourselves open, engaged and able to feel the brave creatures we already are who just need a little space to catch our breath. May this little extra hmm…(thoughts) to ponder, help you on your path, wherever that may be.


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Throw your own Queen Pause Party, providing space and play for you and your friends to catch your breaths and become more curious and aware.

Plan A Pause Party
Pause Party (1)

Overheard at a Queen Pause Party...


“It was amazing. Helped me to connect to my heart and my creativity. It was energizing and uplifting. I felt safe and supported and free to be real and authentic and explore challenging experiences. It helped me to heal some old wounds that I previously did not have the emotional strength to address. It was fun and transformative. Lisa has a true gift of connecting with people and inspiring them to become their best selves.”

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猫和老鼠2021下载_猫和老鼠2021单机游戏下载_牛游戏网:2021-4-1 · 猫和老鼠单机游戏大全 《猫和老鼠》(Tom and Jerry)是米高梅电影公司于1939年制作的一部动画片,该片由威廉·汉纳、约瑟夫·巴伯拉编写,弗雷德·昆比制作,首部剧集《甜蜜的家》于1940年2月10日在美国首播。

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To hear what’s up at Coddiwomple Queen…


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